Editorial Team

Editor in Chief
Dr. Eng, Heru Suwoyo, S.T., M.Sc, (Scopus ID: 57208821153, H-Index: 5), Universitas Mercubuana, Indonesia

Managing Editor
Taufik Hidayat, S.Kom., M.T, (Scopus ID: 57212360103, H-Index: 4), Universitas Wiralodra, Indonesia

Editorial Board Members
Prof Dr. Ir. Andi Adriansyah, M-Eng, (Scopus ID: 55176184000, H-Index: 10), Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mudrik Alaydrus, (Scopus ID: 6505863303, H-Index: 15), Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Setiyo Budiyanto, (Scopus ID : 56043571200, H-Index: 10), Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
Dr. Umaisaroh, (Scopus ID : 57210641132, H-Index: 3), Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
Dr. Eng. Agung Triayudi, (Scopus ID: 57203791522, H-Index: 7), Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Dr. Eng. Ivan Kristianto Singgih, (Scopus ID : 57095064900 , H-Index: 8), Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia
Dr. Dian Widiastuti, ( Scopus ID : 57201736195, H-Index : 7), Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
Dr. Surya Cipta Ramadhan Kete, M.Sc, (Scopus ID: 57209245523, H-Index: 2), Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia
Dr. Ernia Susana,ST., M.Si, (Scopus ID : 57201727157, H-Index: 4), Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Jakarta II, Indonesia
Rahmat Hidayat, M.T, (Scopus ID: 57219163875, H-Index: 1), Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia
Budi wibowo,M.T, (Scopus ID: 57194020685, H-Index: 1), Institut Teknologi Budi Utomo, Indonesia
Ir. Sigit Wibawa, M.T, (Scopus ID: 57215524620, H-Index: 1), Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Indonesia
Rahutomo Mahardiko, M.T, (Scopus ID: 56703234900, H-Index: 5), PT BFI Finance Indonesia, Indonesia
Dr. Eng. Feri Setiawan, (Scopus ID : 57193706376, H-Index: 8 ), Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia
Dr. Agus Mulyanto, M.Sc, (Scopus ID : 58483633300, H-Index: 7 ), Institut Teknologi PLN, Indonesia
Dr. Andri Saputra, M.Kom, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Indonesia
Dr. Andri Setiyaji, M.Kom, Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG), Indonesia

Editorial Board International
Prof. Zool Hilmi Ismail, (Scopus ID : 35932176500, H-Index: 17), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Vishwajeet Shankhwar, (Scopus ID : 57216956166 , H-Index: 5), Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, India
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan, ( Scopus ID : 57222652080 , H-Index: 59), HITEC University, Taxila, Pakistan
Prof. Dr. G. Soniya Priyatharsini, ( Scopus ID : 57200040949 , H-Index :2), Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, India
Prof. Dr. Devika Kuttala, ( Scopus ID : 57205431390 , H-Index: 6), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore ,India
Prof. Dr. Aditya Gupta, ( Scopus ID : 57214417432, H-Index: 7), Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology Patiala, India
Prof. Dr. Najeem Olawale Adelakun, ( Scopus ID : 57217183175 , H-Index: 2), Federal College of Education Iwo, Negeria
Dr. Shruti Sharma, ( Scopus ID : 57209469255 , H-Index: 3), SVKM's NMIMS , India
Prof. Dr.P.S.Rajakumar ,( Scopus ID : 36976095600 , H-Index: 4), Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, India
Suresh Dodda, ADP Private Limited, USA
Parastoo Alaei Roozbahani, Msc, Islamic Azad University, Iran

Copyediting, Layout & Production
Yasep Azzery, M.T, Insitut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Mahardika, Indonesia
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Team IT Support Sultan Publisher